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P: 618-969-9384 F: 618-969-9382


Blood Pressure Exam

Why Drug Test?

8 Great Reasons:
  1. Federal or State Regulations: Some workplaces mush comply with a Federal or State agency’s drug testing requirements. For example, the Department of Transportation. Department of Defense, Department of Energy and Nuclear Regulatory Commission are Federal agencies that require contractors working for them to set up drug testing programs.
  2. Safety Concerns: Use of alcohol or other drugs on the job can result in accidents, safety problems and other costly mistakes. As a result, many employers choose to protest their employees and their workplace by starting a drug testing program.
  3. High Cost of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse: Research has shown that alcohol and other drug use at work costs money. Workplace drug abuse often results in lower productivity, higher Worker’s Compensation claims, more time away from work and higher medical costs. It also has been linked to crime on the job and can affect employee mood and well-being.
  4. Less Work: People who abuse drugs work 30% to 38% less than non-users.
  5. Cost More: Employees who abuse drugs cost employers 300% more in medical cost and benefits.
  6. More Injuries: People who abuse drugs and alcohol cause over 40% more on the job injuries.
  7. Stealing: Employees who abuse drugs and alcohol are more likely to steal to support their habit.
  8. 70% are working: Approximately 70% of current illicit drug users over 18 are employed.

Is a Drug Free Workplace Program For You?

All employers should have Drug-Free Workplaces because it makes good economic sense. Some immediate benefits of becoming Drug-Free include:
  • 5% to 20% discount off annual gross Worker’s Compensation premiums in some states.
  • A positive test result for an illegal drug entitles the company to deny medical, indemnity and disability claims if injuries are involved. (If self-insured, one denied claim can save thousands of dollars).
  • Drug abusing employees can be terminated for cause and (usually) denied unemployment compensation benefits chargeable to the employer.
  • Many health insurers also discount premiums for Drug-Free companies.
  • Non Drug-Free employers risk hiring rejects from participating companies.
In addition to legislated benefits, there are many other advantages to operating Drug-Free. In comparison with non-impaired coworkers, drug and alcohol impaired employees:
  • Are involved in accidents 3.6 times more often.
  • File 5 times as many worker’s compensation claims.
  • Are 25% less productive on drugs; 35% on alcohol.
  • Are absent from work 16 times more often with 2.5 times more absences of 8 or more days.
  • Use 3 times more sick benefits.
  • Steal 4 times more often from employers and coworkers.
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